Monday, August 18, 2008

you know me!
how thrilling to know
I am not an empty sea shell
the one that pulses
and lilts
with the most magical music
captivating your soul
lifting you high above
the ground and into
the Place
where sky and soul are one
You know me!!
can you see my soul smiling yet?



Charlotte said...

all your poems and snippets always makes me feel good. like maybe not even the words, but i feel like i'm caught up in it, some enchanted little world, where everything spoken is a poem. or wonderous sentence.

i wish i lived in the olden days, where everything was posh, and the speech was so... wonderful!

like pride and predjudice time.

thank you!*

Charlotte said...

ps. i'm going to link you, because you take me to a world i wish i lived in all the time... the land of poems.